User Group usage: reprise

(Andrew Harris) #1

Matrix Version:
It’s been several years since a similar thread - but has anything changed?

I want to see the usage of a user group - that is: what assets has this user group been given specific permissions to?

I don’t care about cascaded/implied permission, just the places where a user has specified the user group.
I don’t care who’s in the user group - I can manage users in other ways.

Something like the Usage screen of a Design asset.

Any suggestions?

(Bart Banda) #2

We are working on adding some sort of usage screen like this in Matrix, but still a bit far off.

The easiest method is probably to create an asset listing (that way you can also configure what root nodes and asset types to check if you wanted to) and set the relative effective permission setting to what type of permission you want to check.

Then login as a user inside a group and view the asset listing?

Permissions are always set specifically on all assets where you cascade from, as in, they don’t work like Paint Layouts or Designs where they are cascaded based on URL or path.

(Andrew Harris) #3

Thanks for that Bart.
Unfortunately, our system at unimelb is of an ‘industrial’ size, and I’m wanting to inspect the usage of scores of groups (with the intention of discarding most of them), so while your suggested method would yield results, it would be impractical in our case.

Should probably have mentioned that in the first instance :wink:

Edit: I do look forward to the group usage screen!

(Bart Banda) #4

So you are more interested in seeing what users aren’t really needing accounts in the system anymore as they don’t do anything anyway? Or is it more about trying to figure out which user groups you can delete/trash?

(Andrew Harris) #5

The latter. Users themselves are pretty easy to track and monitor.
I’ve been building some tools to manage inactive users, but having done the cleanup, I have many groups with just a few members. They can probably be removed, or better still, consolidated, but I have no way of knowing whether they’re still applied to actively managed sites.

It’s not a big issue - I’m just in the midst of a massive cleanup, and this aspect would be a nice detail, but not a deal breaker.

(Bart Banda) #6

Yea fair enough. Sounds like a usage screen for the user groups would be ideal for this kinda thing.