Using a Ecommerce Form Page for user defined donations

(Nic Hubbard) #1

I am pretty new to using the Ecommerce Form Page, and after reading the manuals, I am not sure how to accept donations through the form.


We are wanting to build a simple form with user info, and a field for donation amount, that the user fills in, then they are taken to the payment page for the credit card info.


Is this possible?

(Bart Banda) #2

Hi Nick,

yes this should be fairly straight forward. For you donation amount, you can either have a select field with pre-determined amounts, or a text field where users can choose whatever they want. On the ecommerce form, you set which field you want to use as the price value on the Ecommerce rules screen,

Then you just connect your ecommerce form to a payment gateway and go from there.


You can also check out the donation example using a shopping cart instead of an ecommerce form page,


Hope that helps.

(Nic Hubbard) #3

yes this should be fairly straight forward. For you donation amount, you can either have a select field with pre-determined amounts, or a text field where users can choose whatever they want. On the ecommerce form, you set which field you want to use as the price value on the Ecommerce rules screen,

Then you just connect your ecommerce form to a payment gateway and go from there.


I have the form connected using the new Paypal Payflow Pro gateway. But, when going to the eCommerce rules page there are no Ecommerece Questions, even though I have a bunch of questions added to the form.


This is for mobile, so I didn't want the process over complicated for the user.

(Bart Banda) #4

Hmm, that's weird. What kind of fields do you have on the form? I think it only supports list type fields (select, radio buttons) and numeric fields.

(Nic Hubbard) #5

Hmm, that's weird. What kind of fields do you have on the form? I think it only supports list type fields (select, radio buttons) and numeric fields.


Like a dummy I was using a text field for the amount then had a condition to check if it was numberic. :) Changed it to a numberic field and now I can see it on the ecommerce rules page.

(Steve Scamp) #6

Hi Nick,

yes this should be fairly straight forward. For you donation amount, you can either have a select field with pre-determined amounts, or a text field where users can choose whatever they want. On the ecommerce form, you set which field you want to use as the price value on the Ecommerce rules screen,

Then you just connect your ecommerce form to a payment gateway and go from there.


You can also check out the donation example using a shopping cart instead of an ecommerce form page,


Hope that helps.


Hi Bart,


I know this topic was from a while ago, but can I pick your brains about a couple of things for a moment?


Over the past few days I've been exploring the use of the Ecommerce Form to create a donation form (similar I imagine to what Nic was doing). I've managed to create a simple donation form okay, with a single numeric field for the donation amount. But I've got a couple of questions about it (inevitably! ^_^ ), and was wondering if you could clear them up for me:

  • With an Ecommerce Form (as opposed to the Cart and Checkout model) would it be possible to include a radio button list of set donation amounts, either instead of or as well as a free text field to allow for donor-specified amounts in the one form, do you think? 

  • With the Ecommerce Form, I've so far been unsuccessful in setting up an asset listing to contain the information for the Order assets in CSV format, that could then be sent to the appropriate finance section here in the library for reconciliation purposes etc. Do you think this would be possible, given the nature of the data in an Order asset? Or would it be a case of reconfiguring the log file formatting in the Order Log and then somehow extracting it from there?

  • I tried to set up a more complex donation form using a Cart and Checkout instead of an Ecommerce form, but had absolutely no success. I can't get the initial form to pass the data through to the Cart.  It seems to me that there are conflicting instructions on the page at First, under the "Linking Donations to a Cart" section, it says to put one set of code on your asset listing page's Default Bodycopy (along the lines of: <A href="./?a=253125?add[%asset_assetid%]=<amount>">%asset_name%</a>).
    But then, further down the page in the same section, it says to put in code: Donate to the %asset_name_linked% ... I want to donate %buy_asset_selection%
    So am I just reading this wrong - is this in fact 2 different ways of setting up the Cart for donations?

I'd appreciate any enlightenment you might be able to bestow!


Many thanks.

