I have setup a Related Asset listing and Thesaurus terms within a website. It all works out after following the steps outlined here http://manuals.matrix.squizsuite.net/thesaurus/examples/configuring-a-related-asset-listing
My problem is that I want to get a bit more advanced with the 'tagging'. Right now all I can see is that you can tag pages with multiple tags and when you do a related asset listing - it will just list out all the assets that has the same tags as it has.
I am looking for a much more refined 'filtered' tagging where it will just return and list back pages where it has exactly the same tags as the page that I have nested the related asset listing 'thingo'.
E.g. I have a tag called 'services' applied to all pages in the services section of the website. I also have a child tag named 'loans'. I want the related asset listing to only return back pages that have both tags applied together - not list out all pages with all the tags
So to summarise, i want to return back pages with "services" AND "loans" as opposed to,services OR loans
I hope this makes some sense.