I have a problem with the web paths that are being generated for a bulkmail email.
The design file used for the email template has the following URL's applied -
https://cms.csu.edu.au/email_designs (our publishing URL)
http://news.csu.edu.au/email_designs (public viewing URL)
The customisation nests an asset listing with a default news item format of %asset_name_linked%
This link is generating a cms.csu.edu.au web path in the resulting bulkmail email, which is not public.
How can I get the public URL to be generated?
I did try something like this, but the relative web path has an added directory that results in a 404.
<a href="http://news.csu.edu.au/%asset_href%">%asset_name%</a>
Any ideas what is happening here?
Is it the order the web path is applied to the site asset giving the cms.csu.edu.au URL priority or the fact it is the shortest?
It is also happening when images are included in the news items that are sent out via bulkmail.
Thanks for any help anyone can offer.