When are incomplete submissions recorded?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

When are incomplete submissions recorded?

We have a multiple page form where some caching (either varnish or Matrix/REDIS) is causing problems and in testing we’re trying to use an asset listing pointing at the incomplete submissions which isn’t showing incompletes as we go through the form.

(Bart Banda) #2

I believe they are created once you go from step 1 to 2 on a multiple page. So if they are on step 1 and hit submit to go to step 2, but have validation errors and end up at step 1 still, it might still not have been created, but not 100%.

So sounds like you’ve possible got caching issues on the asset listing?

You could always compare it with what you see in the backend under the incomplete form submissions folder? Go to its Linking Screen and view the Child links to see a list of them all.

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3
> So sounds like you've possible got caching issues on the asset listing?

Possibly, we had some caching issues between Nginx and Varnish, which have been sorted out for the form itself (shout out to Matt @ Squiz NZ for helping us with that) but I’m curious about the incompletes still.

Our listing is showing the asset ids of the incomplete submissions, when I check the linked children it looks like they’re corresponding ~100%. But a submission I just began and have taken through to page 3 isn’t showing…

(Bart Banda) #4

Can you print the asset ID of this form submission and see where it’s located in the backend? Check that it appears in the same locations as all the other incomplete form submission assets.