Where are the PDFs for 3.28?

(S Spalding) #1

For some time now I have relied on Acrobat's "Full Search" feature to search all Matrix Manual PDFs on my local system. This returned results in such a way that I could see exactly which manual the result was in which was particularly helpful.

Now it seems the PDF versions have been abandoned.

As a sysadmin most of my searches are similar to:



…and so on.

I would use this site:


…but this search seems to ignore strings containing the underscore character.

What now?

(Steve Jordan) #2

Now it seems the PDF versions have been abandoned.


Looks like it, from the matrix site:

Please note that the manuals on this page are only current up to v3.26 of MySource Matrix and are no longer being updated. For the latest versions of these manuals, visit the MySource Matrix User Manual Library.


(Dan Simmons) #3

I would use this site:


…but this search seems to ignore strings containing the underscore character.


Just search for the same thing but in quotes. Eg.:



Even though the highlighting doesn't work and the underscores get removed, it does actually search in the expected way (ie. "SQ CONF ROLLBACK ENABLED" only returns the result that has "SQ_CONF_ROLLBACK_ENABLED" as a string).

(Josh Sherwood) #4

Hi Sean.

The PDF manuals have been discontinued from v3.26, so it is correct that there are no PDF versions of the 3.28 manuals (nor do we have any plans at this time to release PDF versions of these manuals).

Regarding your searching issues: On the manuals site, we use Funnelback search, which ignores most punctuation. There are, however, some workarounds, such as using a phrase query, as Dan mentioned (“SQ CONF ROLLBACK ENABLED”). You might want to check out the Funnelback Manual’s Search Operators chapter to view all the operators that are available for your searches. Hopefully you’ll be able to to utlise these operators to get the appropriate results from your searches.

(S Spalding) #5

Thanks for the tips guys.

(Peter Grube) #6

We only do upgrades once a year, so what happens when there is an upgrade and the manuals site get upgraded as well? We are currently on v4.0.3 and will be on that version for the rest of 2011. How will we access documentation for this version when the next upgrade happens?


Hi Sean.

The PDF manuals have been discontinued from v3.26, so it is correct that there are no PDF versions of the 3.28 manuals (nor do we have any plans at this time to release PDF versions of these manuals).

Regarding your searching issues: On the manuals site, we use Funnelback search, which ignores most punctuation. There are, however, some workarounds, such as using a phrase query, as Dan mentioned (“SQ CONF ROLLBACK ENABLED”). You might want to check out the Funnelback Manual’s Search Operators chapter to view all the operators that are available for your searches. Hopefully you’ll be able to to utlise these operators to get the appropriate results from your searches.


(Greg Sherwood) #7

We only do upgrades once a year, so what happens when there is an upgrade and the manuals site get upgraded as well? We are currently on v4.0.3 and will be on that version for the rest of 2011. How will we access documentation for this version when the next upgrade happens?


Matrix is not rapidly changing, so you should be ok to look at the online manual for pretty much everything. We include a lot of screenshots and references so it shouldn't be too hard to know if you have a particular feature or if it is only in the newest version. We've been discussing ways to markup the manual with the version that each feature was introduced in, but we don't have any solid ideas yet.

If you want to specifically know what new features are being added (maybe to see if an upgrade would help you out) then you can also subscribe to Squiz Matrix news here: http://www.squizlabs.com/feeds

We release a newsletter every Friday and also post articles on major new features.

(Stainless) #8

Is there any way to get a downloadable manual for the current version.
Not everyone is net connected all the time and sometimes scanning a paper document turns up interesting things you may not have discovered in the online version.

(Greg Sherwood) #9

No, there is no downloadable version of the manuals.