Metadata field description keyword?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1 details the various keywords available for metadata.

There are ways to get the fieldname, or a key or value… is there anyway to get the Metadata field description that gets shown when a user is editing metadata via _admin or _edit?

I’m working on an asset builder (with a custom form), so if that was available it would be really useful.

Metadata field friendly name keyword?
(Peter McLeod) #2


Not sure with keywords, but you could access it using a JS API > getAttributes method, passing it the ID of the metadata field asset:


You would get an object back similar to below:

	"weighting": "-1",
	"editable": "1",
	"field_name_text": "",
	"value_name_text": "",
	"description": "",
	"default": "",
	"language": "",
	"frontend": "show",
	"value_components": "",
	"is_contextable": "1",
	"required": "0",
	"allow_cascading": "1",
	"name": "",
	"friendly_name": "",
	"scheme": "",
	"multi_line": "0",
	"char_limit": "0",
	"box_width": "30",
	"box_height": "7"

Probably not an ideal solution for your scenario though…


(Bart Banda) #3

Can you try printing %globals_asset_attribute_description:1234% where 1234 is the asset ID if your metadata field?