Squiz Matrix   Developers

Squiz Javascript API - use and installation (4)
Compare current URL to its sibling using Keyword Replacement Values (3)
Dynamic Navigation (9)
Single Line, Multiple Attributes and Page Performance (4)
Creating JavaScript variables from Database Results (7)
Tagging and tag suggestions (6)
Posting form submission responses to external server in JSON structure (3)
Simple edit layout ssjs keywords (2)
Holding page for unpublished pages (3)
Batched createFileAsset (2)
Display items with a closing date in xx days (2)
Search asset - display items with a closing date of today's or a future date only (2)
Synonym Searching in Squiz (2)
Flat URLs in Squiz (5)
Dynamic asset selection being ignored in search page listing (7)
SSJS unexpected token % (5)
Updating part of text across multiple pages (9)
%asset_parent% keyword for linked items in an asset listing (4)
Feature request - trigger "Has a Child / Parent" with name (2)
Replace backslash (5)
REST Resource asset - multiple request URLs (4)
Linking to frontend URL from editing interface (4)
Globals_get inside globals_asset? (2)
Using imported datasources like metadata? (2)
What's New Page Deprecation - performance (2)
Check if globabls_get exists/is defined (6)
Creating a SSJS variable from a REST resource asset (7)
Building a Virtual DOM in SSJS (8)
Getting a folder to list documents (2)
Custom form ReST request (3)